Friday, October 30, 2009

Poem: A Rhetorical Inquiry Into the Moral Certitude of Cause and Effect

I wore the "pink fuzzy bunny ears" in second grade--a lovely memory and interlude in this poem.

A Rhetorical Inquiry Into The Moral Certitude Of Cause And Effect

Today we picked tulips and
stubbed our big toe and went
to war and lost a bunch a arms
and feet and shit and gunned
down a dozen fifty people
and got tired and took a nap
and had a family and raised
a mess a kids and picked
daffodils and scratched our
finger bad and then we went
to war. We blew up some big
stuff and little stuff and people
tall and stupid crying babies
and a whole lot a us puked
and we were buried or they
put us on these lame cots and
we got better and met girls
and boys and had families and
glued pink fuzzy bunny ears
on our sister's headband for
spring assembly and then we
killed a whole lot more people
cause we had to go to war cause
we picked lilies and sneezed and
after you pick lilies and sneeze
or something they send you to
war. Don't you know anything?

Sarah Sarai Eleven Eleven Issue 5, 2008,
and in The Future Is Happy (BlazeVOX [books])

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