Monday, June 22, 2015

When I Sold Marijuana

The Artist as a Marijuana Sales Force of One 
I am a youngest child. We youngest are exposed to the world, or at least our older siblings' versions of it, in ways that make us, not jaded, but aware. Sophisticated, even, or so we like to think. We are arguably more aware than our peers with less complicated siblings or siblings who are younger.
If you know of anyone in sales who wants to demonstrate the connection between character type and success, point them to this article.  Introverts and sales?  Probably not a good mix. To protect the innocent, I didn't reveal how many Camp Fire Girl mints I ingested. Are they still for sale? Man, they were good, and that was before I'd ever heard of munchies. 
"My Month in Marijuana Sales" is in the Summer 2015 issue of the ever wonderful The Writing Disorder, edited by Christian Lukather. 

Monday, June 15, 2015

...the green of light from trees... & a call for work : HIV Here & Now

Two good things, one ongoing, one promised. The ongoing is a poem-a-day, for a year, on the site HIV Here & Now. Some wonderful poets have already been featured. L. Llamar Wilson, Danez Smith, Julene T. Weaver, Joan Larkin.

My poem, "Practical" was posted on Day 4. It was originally published in Main Street Rag.  It's about either the first or second to go from AIDS, in my life, in the 80s. About that, rage, grief, feminism, collating facs and feelings.

The call-for-work is for an anthology proposed by Michael Broder, publisher and editor at the new Indolent Press.  In brief:
Indolent Books is developing an anthology of writings about the current experience of HIV under the working title, HIV Here & Now, to be published in 2016 in conjunction with the 35th anniversary of these initial reports of what would come to be known as AIDS. For more information about that part of the project, see our Submittable page.