2 poems in Hanging Loose (September 2023)
3 poems in Alien Buddha (November 2023)
Review forthcoming on Daniel Nester's Harsh Realms (Indolent Books)
Review Instrument for Distributed Empathy Monetization by William Lessard. Spinozablue
“A Lesbian With a Megaphone” forthcoming, 2024, Sinister Wisdom“Their Every Yellow Leaf” New Ohio Review
“Low Life, Malibu” Pine Hills Review
MacQueen’s Quinterly. O Faded Elegent World January 2023
The Rye Whiskey Review Good Shoes (Flash Fiction)
Jerry Jazz Musician. The Future Is Happy, Two-story Bldg. on Vernon, Early Jazz
“Boris Johnson at the Comedy Cellar” Misfit Magazine
Rainbow/Prada A Thousand Deaths (nominated for Best of the Net)
Moss Trill A Vegas Vegan
“Wasted in a Special Way” in The Dillydoun Review, Issue 15, April 2022
“Shock White” Big City Lit (nominated for a Pushcart)
“Bright-eyed” New York Quarterly
“Translating Mars” David Bowie anthology, Marie Lecrivain, ed. forthcoming, 2023 or not
“Hummingbird Feeder” & “Queens” Hole in the Head Review
“Pigeons Are Having” Okay Donkey
“A Bad Spell in the Life of This Poem” “Superlunary” “So Speaks Art” Hobo Camp Review
“No One’s in High School These Days” “Finery in the Aisles” “I Love Paris in the Springtime and the Paris Climate Agreement Anytime at All” Anti-Heroin Chic
“I Shall Be Removed” (the poem) and source material-public domain Heron Tree
“How Brilliant Beethoven” Pine Hills Review
“The Antichrist's Mad Skill” Live Nude Poems
“We’re in Trouble Yesterday” and “Swim to Shore, Kid” Mollyhouse Issue 2. 2021
“Title in Search of a Better Life” Big City Lit
“Sappiness Is Not in the DSM” Poems in the Afterglow
“People Complain When I Write About Jesus” Cider Review Press
“It Is Different It Is Not Different” in New Verse News
“Epicentral” Footnotes (Poetry Project, New York)
“Watch Out, Quite Frankly” “Two-story Bldg. on Vernon” “Second Coming of a G-string” The Cafe Review
“Extradition” What Rough Beast Indolent Press
“Patio-speak” DMQ Review
“The First Time I Had Sex” The Southampton Review
“The Great Mute Who Is Almighty” & “The Shiny You Have Missed” Unbroken Journal
“This Poem and Joan Crawford” Ghost City Press
“Do Not Take This Medication” SCROLL to the end - First Literary-East
“Charming Maxim” Birds Fall Silent in the Mechanical Sea pub. by great weather for media
“The Pink Yonder” “Peril #52 of Having a Mother” “After and Sometimes” Stonewall’s Legacy (eds. Marc Rosen and Rita “Rusty” Rose; Local Gems Press)
“My Understanding of the Middle Ages” “It Is the Body that Gives Us Away” “Still Not, No No” in Otoliths 53
“In Tragedy Let There Be the Economy” Quiddity
“After the Greeks Tippy-Toed Out of a Horse” SWWIM
“My Father Sleeps Rough in His Dreams” and “Complexities Run Interference” Gone Lawn 32
“Souls in the Penalty of Flesh” Ethel (a great journal)
“Prophecy of a G-string” in Six Sentences
“Hotting the Spoon” in LIVE!
“This Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity” and “Please Don't Think I'm Being Disrespectful” Prelude (print)
“What an Arroyo Can Do” Zocalo Public Square
“True Grit” “The Reversible Lobotomy of Confusion” and “No One Asks” ISACOUSTIC

“Who Punched the Banana!” Golden Walkman (Read by Peter Urkowitz)
“Keeping It Holy” and “Embalmed” Queen Mob's Tea House
“Not Simple is Joy Nor Cosmology” Like a Fat Gold Watch: Meditations on Sylvia Plath (ed. Christine Hamm)
“Corpses and Cats” Oddball Magazine
“2.” “Science and Change” “By Any” “Six Aunts Wobbling” “And the Ships Set Off” in Vending Machine Press
“On the Shelving Cart” and “Hatred Is a Death Threat” Sinister Wisdom
“So the World” and “On Being Patronized” Susan the Journal
“Wish Me Luck” Prelude
“Motherhood” No, Dear Magazine (Republic issue)
“The Short Lapse of It” and “Let's See if I Have This Right” Barrow Street
“Three Children Are Laughing“ Peacock Journal October
“Anyway” Painted Bride Quarterly Spring
“I was much too far out all my life“ The Collagist
“We Knew How“ in decomP magazineE
“Grief Is a Crouton” in Before Passing (great weather for MEDIA anthology)
“Further Arguments” First published in Minnesota Review Spring, republished in Thank You for Swallowing, Bastille Day
“(Marc Jacobs to the West Village)” and “As She Crosses” Other Rooms Press: Oracular Radioactivation
“Practical” HIV Here and Now
“It Is True and Truth Sometimes Gets Me Published” “Popular Mechanics” and “White Tunnel” and the Night Return” Posit
“Early Jazz” Wallace Stevens Journal, Here is the poem on Project MUSE.
“Misunderstood Ghost Life” and “Minnesota Multiple Personality Inventory” Yew February
“Time Passes and Fails” and “Inheritance” Thrush
“Anxieties” Fairy Tale Review (Emerald Issue)
“But Then Again” Ascent
”Your Fragile Neck so Vulnerable” Truck (driven by Alexander Cigale), November
“Salvation” Ping-Pong Journal (Henry Miller Memorial Library)
“I Feel Good” a Beard of Bees online chapbook
“Andy Warhol Left Those Parties by Midnight” and “Thank You, Cashier” The Writing Disorder
“The Common Ancestor, Chrysanthemum Edition” Boog City
“The Crew Is Restless and I Am Sick at Heart” & “Saint Beauty” Lyre Lyre #5
“Prospective Saint With the Christ Child” and “Confused Words” Emily Dickinson's Coconut Face (Dusie Kollektiv) and republished at jbdrecords blog
“Antiseptics” Dressing Room Poetry Journal #2
“Eyre” Angle Journal of Poetry in English #4
“We Are Jack Kerouac“ Empty Mirror, magazine of the arts
“Go Figure“ Journal of Compressed Creative Arts
“A Legend with Usual Cruelties” Saint Katherine Review
“Marilyn Hacker” “Faith & Practice” “Sneaking Around the Multiplex.” West Wind Review
“Fabian Avenarius (Arthur Craven)” Cordite Poetry Review, 39
“This Way and That” Lavender Review Issue 5
“Drink, Child” “Stop” “Palace of the Blessed” Folly Magazine. O/P.
“Blame It on Family” Redheaded Stepchild (nominated for a Best of the Net)
“Long Ago” 200 New Mexico Poems
“I Resolve” and “Two Dreams Hovering Insect Wings Above Me” Truck: Resolution/Revolution
“In the Bakery” “Wild Egress” “After the Plague Years” Reconfigurations: A Journey for Poetry & Poetics / Literature & Culture
“Commerce for the Good of the Peoples” “You Are the Confusing Identity I Write For” and “On the Way to the Gallery” POOL Poetry, Issue 19
“From Love, Imagination” Boston Review
“So Tender Beauty” Boston Review
“No Need for a Door“ and “Look Now“ Scythe VI
“One Day a Year You Can Take Something Home from the Met“ and “Inquisition” EOAGH
“A Territory of the Miracle” “We're always in a room.” and “A Bullish Run Into Chambers” Fringe
“Black People Are on My Mind These Days” Mary: A Literary Quarterly
“Hockney at Bellevue” Parthenon West (Issue 7)
“In Denzel Washington's Gaze” “The Blood of Billy Bob Thornton” Sprung Formal (Kansas City Art Institute)
“Are the Roses Doing Nothing” “Our Pointillist Galaxy” Reconfigurations
“Front Yard (I Have No Mythology)” FRiGG Spring
“Longing for a Blue Sky” Lavender
“Like Wings“ Redheaded Stepchild (nominated for a Pushcart & a Best of the Web)
“Holy Minimalism“ Red Fez
“I’m Never Worried About What I’m Worried About” Fifth Wednesday Journal
“And What If” Willows Wept Review Spring
“Experiential Philosophy” Fogged Clarity
“It Was Like You Walked into a Tavern in the Great Northwest” Big City Lit
“This Flesh Divine” Numinous
“Something's Falling” Threepenny Review
“Ask Your Questions Only When the Bus Stops. Drivers Need to Concentrate on the Road.” and “All Along Our Way” Pank #2
“What I Choose To Remind You” Juice: A Journal of the Ordinary
“hAve You Been Married the Sister asK” Three Rooms Press
“Incorporeal” “Remorse” “Birth Is the Last Exit” No. 22
“Further Arguments” Minnesota Review
“Aristotle” Tipton Poetry Journal
“Super Bowl Sunday, 1995” ”From the Dome of the Willing Firmament” FRiGG: A Magazine of Fiction and Poetry
“Emily Dickinson Is Jewish” Fine Madness 1998. In 2009 presented at the conference “Witnessing Responses: A New Generation's Perspectives on the Holocaust,” at Károli Gáspár University, Budapest. Ester Rizmar's paper.
“First Appearance of the Angel Evelyn” ZYZZYVA
“A Friend of Mine Has Disappeared” Pure Slush (Bequem Publishing, Australia) 2021
“Not Me, It Cries” Oddball Magazine 2021
“The Infanta” Telephone, an international game of the arts. Nathan Lang, ed.“Not Me, It Cries” Oddball Magazine 2021
“A Bad Spell in the Life of This Poem” “Superlunary” “So Speaks Art” Hobo Camp Review
“No One’s in High School These Days” “Finery in the Aisles” “I Love Paris in the Springtime and the Paris Climate Agreement Anytime at All” Anti-Heroin Chic
“I Shall Be Removed” (the poem) and source material-public domain Heron Tree
“How Brilliant Beethoven” Pine Hills Review
“The Antichrist's Mad Skill” Live Nude Poems
“We’re in Trouble Yesterday” and “Swim to Shore, Kid” Mollyhouse Issue 2. 2021
“Title in Search of a Better Life” Big City Lit
“Sappiness Is Not in the DSM” Poems in the Afterglow
“People Complain When I Write About Jesus” Cider Review Press
“It Is Different It Is Not Different” in New Verse News
“Epicentral” Footnotes (Poetry Project, New York)
“Watch Out, Quite Frankly” “Two-story Bldg. on Vernon” “Second Coming of a G-string” The Cafe Review
“Extradition” What Rough Beast Indolent Press
“Patio-speak” DMQ Review
“The First Time I Had Sex” The Southampton Review
“The Great Mute Who Is Almighty” & “The Shiny You Have Missed” Unbroken Journal
“This Poem and Joan Crawford” Ghost City Press
“Do Not Take This Medication” SCROLL to the end - First Literary-East
“Charming Maxim” Birds Fall Silent in the Mechanical Sea pub. by great weather for media
“The Pink Yonder” “Peril #52 of Having a Mother” “After and Sometimes” Stonewall’s Legacy (eds. Marc Rosen and Rita “Rusty” Rose; Local Gems Press)
“My Understanding of the Middle Ages” “It Is the Body that Gives Us Away” “Still Not, No No” in Otoliths 53
“In Tragedy Let There Be the Economy” Quiddity
“After the Greeks Tippy-Toed Out of a Horse” SWWIM
“My Father Sleeps Rough in His Dreams” and “Complexities Run Interference” Gone Lawn 32
“Souls in the Penalty of Flesh” Ethel (a great journal)
“Prophecy of a G-string” in Six Sentences
“Hotting the Spoon” in LIVE!
“This Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity” and “Please Don't Think I'm Being Disrespectful” Prelude (print)
“What an Arroyo Can Do” Zocalo Public Square
“True Grit” “The Reversible Lobotomy of Confusion” and “No One Asks” ISACOUSTIC
“Who Punched the Banana!” Golden Walkman (Read by Peter Urkowitz)
“Keeping It Holy” and “Embalmed” Queen Mob's Tea House
“Not Simple is Joy Nor Cosmology” Like a Fat Gold Watch: Meditations on Sylvia Plath (ed. Christine Hamm)
“Corpses and Cats” Oddball Magazine
“2.” “Science and Change” “By Any” “Six Aunts Wobbling” “And the Ships Set Off” in Vending Machine Press
“On the Shelving Cart” and “Hatred Is a Death Threat” Sinister Wisdom
“So the World” and “On Being Patronized” Susan the Journal
“Wish Me Luck” Prelude
“Motherhood” No, Dear Magazine (Republic issue)
“The Short Lapse of It” and “Let's See if I Have This Right” Barrow Street
“Three Children Are Laughing“ Peacock Journal October
“Anyway” Painted Bride Quarterly Spring
“I was much too far out all my life“ The Collagist
“We Knew How“ in decomP magazineE
“Grief Is a Crouton” in Before Passing (great weather for MEDIA anthology)
“Further Arguments” First published in Minnesota Review Spring, republished in Thank You for Swallowing, Bastille Day
“(Marc Jacobs to the West Village)” and “As She Crosses” Other Rooms Press: Oracular Radioactivation
“Practical” HIV Here and Now
“It Is True and Truth Sometimes Gets Me Published” “Popular Mechanics” and “White Tunnel” and the Night Return” Posit
“Early Jazz” Wallace Stevens Journal, Here is the poem on Project MUSE.
“Misunderstood Ghost Life” and “Minnesota Multiple Personality Inventory” Yew February
“Time Passes and Fails” and “Inheritance” Thrush
“Anxieties” Fairy Tale Review (Emerald Issue)
“But Then Again” Ascent
”Your Fragile Neck so Vulnerable” Truck (driven by Alexander Cigale), November
“Salvation” Ping-Pong Journal (Henry Miller Memorial Library)
“I Feel Good” a Beard of Bees online chapbook
“Andy Warhol Left Those Parties by Midnight” and “Thank You, Cashier” The Writing Disorder
“The Common Ancestor, Chrysanthemum Edition” Boog City
“The Crew Is Restless and I Am Sick at Heart” & “Saint Beauty” Lyre Lyre #5
“Prospective Saint With the Christ Child” and “Confused Words” Emily Dickinson's Coconut Face (Dusie Kollektiv) and republished at jbdrecords blog
“Antiseptics” Dressing Room Poetry Journal #2
“Eyre” Angle Journal of Poetry in English #4
“We Are Jack Kerouac“ Empty Mirror, magazine of the arts
“Go Figure“ Journal of Compressed Creative Arts
“A Legend with Usual Cruelties” Saint Katherine Review
“Marilyn Hacker” “Faith & Practice” “Sneaking Around the Multiplex.” West Wind Review
“Fabian Avenarius (Arthur Craven)” Cordite Poetry Review, 39
“This Way and That” Lavender Review Issue 5
“Drink, Child” “Stop” “Palace of the Blessed” Folly Magazine. O/P.
“Blame It on Family” Redheaded Stepchild (nominated for a Best of the Net)
“Long Ago” 200 New Mexico Poems
“I Resolve” and “Two Dreams Hovering Insect Wings Above Me” Truck: Resolution/Revolution
“In the Bakery” “Wild Egress” “After the Plague Years” Reconfigurations: A Journey for Poetry & Poetics / Literature & Culture
“Commerce for the Good of the Peoples” “You Are the Confusing Identity I Write For” and “On the Way to the Gallery” POOL Poetry, Issue 19
“From Love, Imagination” Boston Review
“So Tender Beauty” Boston Review
“No Need for a Door“ and “Look Now“ Scythe VI
“One Day a Year You Can Take Something Home from the Met“ and “Inquisition” EOAGH
“A Territory of the Miracle” “We're always in a room.” and “A Bullish Run Into Chambers” Fringe
“Black People Are on My Mind These Days” Mary: A Literary Quarterly
“Hockney at Bellevue” Parthenon West (Issue 7)
“In Denzel Washington's Gaze” “The Blood of Billy Bob Thornton” Sprung Formal (Kansas City Art Institute)
“Are the Roses Doing Nothing” “Our Pointillist Galaxy” Reconfigurations
“Front Yard (I Have No Mythology)” FRiGG Spring
“Longing for a Blue Sky” Lavender
“Like Wings“ Redheaded Stepchild (nominated for a Pushcart & a Best of the Web)
“Holy Minimalism“ Red Fez
“I’m Never Worried About What I’m Worried About” Fifth Wednesday Journal
“And What If” Willows Wept Review Spring
“Experiential Philosophy” Fogged Clarity
“It Was Like You Walked into a Tavern in the Great Northwest” Big City Lit
“This Flesh Divine” Numinous
“Something's Falling” Threepenny Review
“Ask Your Questions Only When the Bus Stops. Drivers Need to Concentrate on the Road.” and “All Along Our Way” Pank #2
“What I Choose To Remind You” Juice: A Journal of the Ordinary
“hAve You Been Married the Sister asK” Three Rooms Press
“Incorporeal” “Remorse” “Birth Is the Last Exit” No. 22
“Further Arguments” Minnesota Review
“Aristotle” Tipton Poetry Journal
“Super Bowl Sunday, 1995” ”From the Dome of the Willing Firmament” FRiGG: A Magazine of Fiction and Poetry
“Emily Dickinson Is Jewish” Fine Madness 1998. In 2009 presented at the conference “Witnessing Responses: A New Generation's Perspectives on the Holocaust,” at Károli Gáspár University, Budapest. Ester Rizmar's paper.
“First Appearance of the Angel Evelyn” ZYZZYVA
Select Anthologies
- “From Love, Imagination” reprinted in Composing Poetry: A Guide to Writing Poems and Thinking Lyrically (ed. Gerry LaFemina; Kendall-Hunt)
- “Not Simple Is Joy nor Cosmology” Like a Fat Gold Watch, an anthology of work responding to Sylvia Plath (ed. Christine Hamm; FGW Press)
- “Beyond Reach“ in Transition: Poems in the Aftermath, an anthology forthcoming from Indolent Books
- Gathered: Contemporary Quaker Poetry, Nick McRae, ed. Sundress Publications
- Shadows of the Future: an Otherstream Anthology, ed. Marc Vincenz (online pdf)
- “Era of the There” and “Life and Times of Ancestor Man” The OR Panthology: Ocellus Reseau, ed. Ed Go, Other Rooms Press.
- “The Rebirth Live” Say It Loud: Poems About James Brown Mary E. Weems, Ph.D. and Michael Oatman, M.F.A. eds. Whirlwind Press
- “Pasted and Cut” Maintenant 6
- “Brittle of Bark, but Lovely.” you say. say. Uphook Press. New York, NY.