Friday, June 7, 2013

Look on Me, Lady. Sever Decisions of Justice From Institutions White and Be-penised.

Quito, Ecuador
A Friday morning prayer. Lady. Let me accept the low-key and blazing divinity of my art. Let me accept my nature of dualities. Give me the wisdom to know it reaches You. Teach me trust and don't let me get too huffy puffy. Let me be here and wherever I am now. Protect me at the cocktail party with the department head who ends affairs when he's bored or his wife complains. Nuzzle my useless resentments in your shawl of great colors. Let them be loved so they grow healthy and through the beauty of bosoms of wisdom and flesh, no longer angry. The street urchin of bitterness now on a feather bed. No longer resenting. Look on me, Lady. Sever decisions of justice from the egos of men and institutions white and be-penised. The flamboyant whimper in department meetings until they are tenured. But look at me, Lady. I do need a little attention. Yes, the billboard of hope is wiser than a cat at peace with the feathers dangling from her ears. I do need some attention, Lady, but mainly friendships and love. But mainly, I need to write.

[Sarah Sarai, June 7, 2013] [written because why not be honest] [written because so what if my grossly imperfect soul is revealed] []written because I ain't kidding anyone anyway] [written because writing is a pleasure]

*Street art courtesty of

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